Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Natural’ or ‘unnatural’ human behaviour?

from here: http://creation.com/natural-or-unnatural

Many evolutionists consider much of today’s human behaviour ‘unnatural’—except when it comes to homosexual ‘marriage’

This very cleverly-worded item protesting about homosexual ‘marriage’ was copied to CMI by Philip B. (Australia), who’d sent it to the Sunday Telegraph (Sydney) in hopes of it being published in its Letters to the Editor section. (To our knowledge, the Telegraph’s editors seem to have decided against publishing it, as it has yet to appear in any of the pages of that newspaper.)
CC by 2.0; Flickr/sara.atkins
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Some Neglected Realities
Every human being on this earth is the result of a male sperm uniting with a female egg to produce that baby human, which grew inside a woman’s body.
Surprise! Male and female humans have special equipment to facilitate this process. Males have a sophisticated sperm deposit system, females have an also sophisticated receptor/fetus-to-baby nurture system. This is normal.
How did this come to be? No human invented it. It must have been an intelligent Creator’s purpose to populate the earth with humans.
Perhaps you are put off by that word ‘intelligent’? An English Professor of Mathematics points out that if you were walking along a beach and saw your full name written in the sand you would rightly conclude that it had been written by some intelligent person. Then he points out that your genetic code, which fully describes your body, is made up of billions of chemical letters, not just a few. We have known about this super-complicated code for more than 60 years now. How did it come to be? No human invented it. We discovered it, but it must have been there from the beginning. Its Creator must be super-intelligent, and super-powerful as well.
Is it possible that this super-intelligent, super-powerful Creator, who also created the human brain and human psyche, does not care what we choose to do with our bodies? Does this Creator not care if we call abnormal behavior normal? For example, if a man inserts his sperm depositor into another man’s garbage disposal tube, does the Creator not care? Surprise! The greatest authority the world has ever known tells us that the Creator does have an opinion about this. The Creator thinks it is an abomination, human opinion and human passion notwithstanding.
So here we are. Many of our prominent citizens in politics, entertainment, academia, the media etc think that homosexual marriage ought to be considered normal, on an equal footing with heterosexual marriage. But are not they, together with their corresponding overseas authorities, flying in the face of the Creator? Who is foolish enough to do this and think that such a decision would not bring much harm to our nation? The evidence of history indicates that it would.
Philip B.
Western Suburbs, 9 May 2013

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