Friday, March 15, 2013

This where some business experience would help politicians

from here:

If more politicians had business experience it might help solve more problems.  Yes, the Dilbert comic exists for a reason, but I would side with the logic and success of the business world over politicians any day.  Because in business you have to actually solve problems or you lose (money, market share, jobs).  Blaming your predecessor  — for 4 years running, no less – would get you laughed out of the room.

So when you are working on a problem you have to at least ask yourself if your proposed solution would have prevented previous occurrences.  Sounds simple, right?  But many of the anti-gun laws being proposed don’t even come close.  Their logic goes like this:

A. The Sandy Hook deaths were terrible, and guns were involved.

B. Therefore, any laws restricting guns will help prevent future tragedies.

That is their logic, and it is an obvious fail.  Even if the new laws magically confiscated every gun in the country – including those of Chicago gang members – it doesn’t mean that the murderer would have just skipped his successful attention-getting plan.  He could have used any number of means to kill children – knives, bombs, etc.

So any effective solutions must consider how the victims could have been protected, or how the criminal – who broke at least 40 laws – could have been institutionalized.

Or do these politicians know this already and are just taking advantage of the poor critical thinking skills of those who swallow whatever the media tells them?  Whether it is a malicious gun grab or just bad reasoning, they could use a dose of business sense.

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