My friend posted this:
I’ve watched this twice and have been wanting to share...this message weighed heavy on me. It made me stop and really think and really pray.

I don’t know when Jesus is coming back or when I will take my last breath, but either way, I believe with all of my heart that one day, I will face God as my judge. I’ve been reading in Deuteronomy and have read over and over how God loves his people enough to warn them...of the benefits of obedience and staying in a relationship with him and the heartbreaking consequences of sin. Jesus, being God in human form, did the same thing. He loved people and reached out to the outcasts and sinners and forgave and healed (and still does today, praise God!!). But he also spoke the hard truth: there will be a judgement day. And people will stand before a Holy God and account for their actions. I pray that if you have read this far, it means you might watch this video and think about eternity. It’s more important than the pandemic or the election. I am praying for both of those things, daily. But more than that, I am praying for people to come to Christ and walk in freedom from the pain of sin and eternal death. I share this with love friends.

This has been on my mind lately too. A really good follow-up is this from J. Warner Wallace (3:24 minutes). In order to overcome people’s indifference towards Christianity, we have to get beyond just telling them what is true about Christianity and ask two why questions: Why is this true? and Why does it matter to me?
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